CCCC minutes, 2008 01 07

[submitted by Laura Rose]

Columbia City Community Council Meeting Minutes 1/7/08

Meeting began a few minutes past 6:00 with quorum present.

Reports from Bylaws committee had a discussion around 3 major topics next meeting the bylaws committee will propose how to ratify them.

  1. the issue of # of meetings attended; there was a question asked about the last 1 out of 2 mtgs before voting might be limiting for some people. However in response came the fact that ours would be proportionate to Hillman City. Also that just because you don’t vote doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look out for the good of the whole. That voting members have the obligation to look out for the community by really listening to discussion –- even if the people in attendance won’t be able to vote. It was felt that if we don’t look out for the community then we will be pushed aside.
  2. We discussed boundaries—they were created in part to the fact other communities already have boundaries.
  3. We discussed how to disclose conflicts of interest—and it was suggested that examples be cited.

Outreach Committee, No one present—however John [Hoole] stepped up to join the committee and Ray [Akers] brought forth an easy application for $750 for money to do outreach/ a newspaper ecetera. We also discussed that coming up with a regular monthly meeting is of utmost importane. Next meetings will occur January 28 at the Library 6:00 pm, February 11 (at a still to be decided location—offer up your living room if you think it 10-20 people will fit).

The Public Safety Committee told of two recent events that occurred in the area.

  1. accosting of a couple as they left the Columbia City Movie theater.
  2. A dog was stolen from a car in the Safeway/ Credit Union parking lot off of Rainier. Luckily, it was found a few days later by the Humane Society!
  3. There have been several car breakins in the Neighborhood—reminder: do not leave valuables in your car.

New buisiness for the next meeting will be nomination of temporary officers.
Petition to Harbor Properties.

New Parks Director Tim Gallager Ray and Doug talked with him and pointed out that

  1. still no sign at Hitt’s Hill.
  2. erosion occurring at Columbia City Green
  3. Lighting over Rainier Playfields ( old/ super bight!) The new director seemed to really listen and has already been taking action since our neighborhood is already lacking on greenspace so developing our parks is a primary goal.

St. Gobain Site / Harbor Properties has decided to do a Saturday community meeting. Date to be announced.

Chris will attend The Columbia City Business Assoc. Meeting

New councilmembers Bruce Harrell will b3 on enviro and technology committess
Tim Burgess will be on Public Safety and Human Services. It was suggested that now is a good time to get to know these folks.

A lawsuit against the city means that Seattle will need to provide more low income housing- there is some concern that a disproportionate amount will end up in Columbia City.

Latest update on Columbia Plaza is that they are behind St. Gobain/ Harbor properties in terms of timelines.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20.

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