neighborhood in the news
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Neighbor News

neighborhood in the news

A couple of media items, loosely themed I kid you not!

Zion Prep in the Seattle Weekly

Seattle Weekly: A Shrinking Zion

Zion Preparatory Academy, acclaimed for years as one of the city's most successful schools serving low-income African American children, is scaling back to just a few grades next year due to a precipitous drop in funds. Parents—many of them single moms—will also have to pay more.

The private Christian school in Rainier Valley, which currently offers pre-K through 5th-grade classes, will announce the changes this week, according to Doug Wheeler, Zion's head and co-founder.

The school already dropped its middle school last year, and sold its Columbia City campus. It is leasing the site for four more years while looking for a permanent home.


Ale House in the P-I

P-I: Kids gone bad in restaurants: Do parents need a time-out?

The gripes of many such diners are one reason why the owner of the popular Columbia City Ale House has resisted allowing under-21 patrons into the bar, said manager Eric Weakland.

He said parents have "tried to pressure" the bar into becoming family-friendly over the years, to no avail. One reason for resistance: The bar's layout. Allowing underage patrons would mean having to create separate bar and dining spaces.

The other reason is children.

"Nothing against people with kids, but it's a nice, quiet place to have dinner," said Weakland, whose boss also owns the 21-and-over Hilltop and 74th Street Ale Houses.

"We kind of cater to that."



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