Columbia City's Neighbor News |
amnesty, equality & workers' rights
Amnesty, equality & workers' rights: the real immigration reform we need! — that's the topic of a public forum featuring a panel of labor and community organizers who will take a critical look at the impact of new federal immigration proposals. Speakers include union organizer Pedro Olguin, Chicana feminist and Arizona native Christina López, and Lois Danks, coordinator of Stop The Checkpoints from the Olympic Peninsula. Friday, April 19, 7pm. New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave S.
Public Forum
Friday, April 19, 7:00pm
Amnesty, Equality & Workers Rights:
The real immigration reform we need!
Doors open at 6:30. Door donation $3, students $1. $6 snack plates available. For more info or childcare: 206-722-2453 or moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaeSPSF#moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaeSPSF. Spanish translation will be available. Wheelchair accessible.
How will the 11 million undocumented workers in this country be impacted by the new immigration proposals put forward by President Obama and Congress? How should union activists respond to the AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka’s recent endorsement of guest worker programs? A panel of labor and community organizers will tackle these questions and discuss what meaningful immigration reform should look like and how to win it.
Pedro Olguin — Organizer with Teamsters Local 117* and a member of the local’s Latino Caucus. He has experienced firsthand, both here and in Southern California, how U.S. immigration laws undercut workers ability to fight for justice on the job. *For identification purposes only
Christina López — Author of Estamos en La Lucha: Immigrant Women Light the Fires of Resistance. Raised in Arizona, López returned there last year to participate in Tuscon’s Freedom Summer. She is a vocal opponent of guest worker/Bracero programs.
Lois Danks — Coordinator of Stop The Checkpoints, a coalition of residents across the Olympic Peninsula, which has mobilized against Border Patrol harassment of immigrants, the spread of private detention centers, and the militarization of the borders.
New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle
On the #7 bus line near the Columbia City light rail station
$3 door, students $1 * $6 snack plates specials * Doors open at 6:30pm
Sponsor: Freedom Socialist Party
For childcare or work exchanges, please call three days in advance. For more info: 206-722-2453, moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaeSPSF#moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaeSPSF or
Foro público
Amnistía, igualdad y derechos para los trabajadores:
¡La reforma migratoria que realmente necesitamos!
Pedro Olguín es organizador del Teamsters Local 117* y miembro del Consejo Latino local. Ha sido testigo, tanto aquí como en California del Sur, de la forma en que las leyes de migración de EEUU han mermado la habilidad de los trabajadores para luchar por la justicia en el trabajo.
*Sólo para propósitos de identificación
Christina López es autora de Estamos en La Lucha: Immigrant Women Light the Fires of Resistance. Criada en Arizona, López regresó allá el año pasado para participar en el Verano de Libertad de Tucson. Es una contundente opositora a los programas de trabajadores invitados y del Bracero.
Loli Danks es coordinadora de Stop The Check points, coalición de residentes de toda la Península Olímpica, la cual se ha movilizado contra el asedio de la Patrulla Fronteriza hacia los inmigrantes, contra la diseminación de centros de detención privados y contra la militarización de las fronteras.
Viernes, 9 de abril a las 7:00pm
New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle
Sobre la línea #7 de autobús cerca de la estación Columbia City del tren ligero
$3 a la entrada, estudiantes $1 * $6 el plato especial de bocadillos * Las puertas abren a las 6:30pm
Patrocina el Partido de Libertad Socialista
Para cuidado infantil o intercambio de trabajo, por favor llama con tres días de antelación. Para más información: 206-722-2453, moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaeSPSF#moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaeSPSF o
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