Wikli 2010, 09/15
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

15 Sep 2010 13:41

Welcome to Week 114

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi

treat yourself


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This week you've got all kinds of ways to savor your Citizenship. Pick up some fresh produce, get a great deal at a rummage sale, take in some song and dance, feast your eyes on some local art, share in a vision for a stronger community.


Live locally.

Check these out:

  • a public meeting about the Rainier Playfield renovation (Thurs),
  • on Tuesday there's a public meeting about SPU's Combined Sewer Overflow project,
  • a book group at the library on Monday evening

You can post a calendar event — here's how.

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Arts Gumbo - Spirit of Mexico

Experience the sights, sounds and flavors of Mexico on Saturday, September 18 at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center as traditional dance group Joyas Mestizas presents indigenous and courtly dances of Mexico.

gro.elttaesdees|egdirmulpj#egdirmulP irreJ

Joyas Mestizas dancer.jpg

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Columbia City Farmers Market

Fresh Sheet:
Honeycrisp apples and cider. Vine ripened grapes, asian pears, truffles, nectarines, purslane, dandelion greens, melons, peppers, corn (yes, there is still some corn!)

See You at The Market!

Catherine BurkeCatherine Burke


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Columbia City Gallery presents 40 visual artists

Columbia City Gallery is pleased to present (un)wrapped, its 5th Annual Juried Exhibit in the Guest Gallery featuring the work of 40 artists from all across North America.

When (un)wrapped Juried Exhibit:
September 22 - November 14, 2010
Artists' Gala & Awards Ceremony:
September 25, 5 - 8pm.
Where Columbia City Gallery, 4864 Rainier Ave S

moc.yrellagyticaibmuloc|anitsirhc#uwT anitsirhC


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fun, free Othello Station tour

Join your neighbors at this fun & free Othello Town Center guided tour Saturday September 18th starting at 10:30 am in front of Tammy's Bakery at King Plaza (7101 MLK Jr. Way S.). It's a unique way to meet other neighbors, explore some of the shops on MLK, meet and talk to great local owners, and sample some tasty food. Please register with Sarah Valenta at 760-4213 or gro.awthgisemoh|haras#gro.awthgisemoh|haras.

Invite family & friends to join you and forward this invitation to anyone that you think would benefit from this tour.

gro.awthgisemoh|haras#atnelaV haraS


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Movie In The Park finale!

Summer movies in the park finale: Finding Nemo! Join us rain or shine for light refreshements in a family atmosphere!

Friday, Sept 17. Last movie in the park for the summer season. Movie begins 8:30 pm.

vog.elttaes|nosihcta.arac#retneC ytinummoC reiniaR, 386-1919


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Southeast District Council meeting

Southeast District Council's meeting is on September 22nd from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Rainier Community Center, 4600 38th Ave S. At this month's meeting, we will hear from City Councilmember Richard Conlin, State Senator Adam Kline, and Dept of Neighborhoods Director Stella Chao.

Here's the meeting agenda.

vog.elttaes|ertip.nuy#ertiP nuY, 386-1924


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this week at Columbia City Theater

We've got new daily drink specials this week at The Bourbon and great music happening this weekend in the Theater. It's another great weekend for local music:

  • Friday September 17: The Seaport City Experience with Thomas Crown, Caffeine Jazz, Laura ‘Piece’ Kelly, Lady Tasz, and Comedian D. Lamont Hall - 9pm / 21+ / $10 advance and $15 night of show
  • Saturday September 18: The Whalebones, Big Sur, Case Studies (featuring members of the Dutchess and the Duke) - 9pm / 21+ / $10
  • For families and folks under 21 excited about seeing live music at the theater, save next Friday the 24th for us. (read more)



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Upcoming RW & FSP Rummage Sale

Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party are planning a gigantic rummage sale!

Saturday and Sunday ~ September 18 & 19

New Freeway Hall ~ 5018 Rainier Ave S

You can help! Donate your re-usable items. Volunteer to sort, price, and sell.

moc.liamg|gcmneeroD#htarGcM neeroD


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
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