Wikli 2010, 09/29
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

29 Sep 2010 12:49

Welcome to Week 116

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi

Let's get together


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C'mon people now… Everybody's pulling together this week, around music, spirits, politics, health, food, fitness, work, and fun.


Live locally.

Salsa dancing at the community center, Oktoberfest at the LSP community club, a neighborhood tweetup, and lots more.

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A Chinook Book, direct to your door

The Chinook Book is back! It's Seattle's guide to simple, approachable, affordable ideas for local living. As a coupon book, it's incredibly easy to use. I penciled it out — every year we save just under $100 without even trying.

Here's a sampling.

This is a great fundraiser for Graham Hill School, southeast Seattle's most integrated elementary. We're selling the book for $20, and the school gets $10 of that. Last year these sales helped us fund tutors, the Powerful Schools program, and busing for after-school programs.

May I sell you one? I'll bring it right to you. Let me know — moc.liamtoh|nalpttocs#moc.liamtoh|nalpttocs, 329-5912. Thanks.



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Arts In Motion art fair

Saturday, October 2 — Try our musical instruments and art activities

This new school year, AIM is offering young artists and musicians exciting and inspiring lessons and classes, and opportunities for personal growth greater than ever before.

Saturday, from 12 noon until 2pm we are offering to young and old an Arts Fair free-of-charge where the residents of SE Seattle may try out various musical instruments or dabble in different artistic mediums, just to see how they like them.

Our Arts In Motion faculty members are experienced education professionals who can advise prospective students and families all about the art, lessons and available classes. You'll never know what it's like until you try.

gro.loohcsmia|r.imoan#neduR imoaN

AIM Logo Inverted.jpg

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Columbia City Farmers Market

Kids Tent: Explorations in MATH
Music: Jazz Night School

EBT BONUS! The next two Wednesdays, September 29th and October 6th, get $10 or more in FOOD STAMP tokens on your EBT card and we'll give you $10 worth of market bucks!, while supplies last.

Market Bucks are worth $2 each and can be used to buy anything for sale at the market. You can use them at any of our 7 neighborhood markets before December 31, 2010.

Catherine BurkeCatherine Burke


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Columbia City Tweetup

Come one, come all to the second Columbia City Tweetup this upcoming Sunday! We'll meet at 6pm, October 3rd @theBourbonBar at Columbia City Theater.

Anyone on the fence should know the first #ColumbiaCity tweetup was thoroughly enjoyed by all. But there's room for more! Come meet your neighbors and fellow tech geeks, and share some good chats and a few good laughs too, all while supporting a local business. :)

Martha Kang


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Free show this Friday -- Everclear Coming Soon

Looking to discover your favorite new local band, or six? Want to do it for free? If so, Columbia City Theater is the place to be this Friday! We're showcasing six of our favorite up-and-coming bands for an evening we're calling "The Best of the New."

If you'd rather spend an intimate evening with old favorites, Columbia City Theater is still the place to be! '90s multi-platinum stars Everclear will be taking our stage for two-sets October 15th.

All the info you need is here!



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historical walking tour

The Rainier Valley Historical Society will offer a walking tour of the Columbia City Landmark District Saturday, October 2 at 11am.

Duration: approximately 1 hour, give or take.
Cost: $5 at the door; free for RVHS members.

Meet at our office at 3710 S Ferdinand St.

moc.loa|eciffoshvr#aboB ronaelE


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Oktoberfest at the Lakewood Seward Park Community Club

Everyone's invited to join us in celebrating the arrival of fall. Oktoberfest at the Lakewood Seward Park Community Club (4916 S Angeline) will be Saturday October 2nd. The party begins at 6:30pm and lasts until 10:00.

No admission charge.

Brats and hot dogs fresh off the grill will be available for purchase as will frosty Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (and soft drinks too!). We may even have some fabulous raffle prizes! Mark your calendar for some neighborhood fun!

Sheila HSheila H, moc.liamg|reganamccpsl#moc.liamg|reganamccpsl


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Public Forum: Fat Cats & Booze Laws on the Ballot

Friday, October 1st. 7:30pm at New Freeway Hall in Columbia City.

"Fat Cats & Booze Laws on the Ballot: Tax the Rich & Stop Privatization" is the theme of a forum open to the public. Come learn how the initiatives on the November ballot will affect you. Bring your questions and opinions!


Fat Cat v11.jpg

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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
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