Wikli 2011, 01/19
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19 Jan 2011 15:06

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You say you want a revolution… and this week's as good a time as any to instigate. Columbia Citizens unite!


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Arts In Motion 2nd Annual Freedom Festival

Arts In Motion once again partners with SEEDArts to present an exhilarating celebration of freedom Saturday, Jan. 22, 2011 at 7pm, on stage at SE Seattle's premiere community performing arts center, the Rainier Valley Cultural Center at 3515 S Alaska St.

Freedom Festival 2011 will continue in the tradition of honoring the spirit of MLK Day celebrations and the eternal struggles for freedom and social justice. This upcoming Freedom Festival aims to top last January’s sensational performance, the happy echoes of that show still resonating in the community buzz.

gro.loohcsmia|r.imoan#neduR imoaN, 723-3131


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Bike Works Warehouse Sale set for January 30

Bike Works, the South Seattle bike education non-profit, is again cleaning out its attic and its warehouse. In the tradition of old world bicycle shops, the Bike Works shop has been holding on to 27-inch rims, high-flange hubs, and American and English-made cruiser bikes, just waiting for this stuff to come back in style. So Bike Works mechanics are digging these gems out of storage, dusting them off a bit, and having a big warehouse sale.

We'll hold the sale Sunday, January 30, 2011 from 11am to 4pm at Bike Works shop and warehouse: 3709 S Ferdinand St. Call 725-9408 with questions.

gro.skrowekib|evets#kulaM evetS


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Columbia City Climate Co-op workshop

Sustainable South Seattle is hosting the third of its workshop series dedicated to creating a Climate Co-op for South Seattle neighborhoods. A Climate Co-op would serve the community to create a more sustainable neighborhood, reduce the carbon footprint and save people money.

Wednesday January 26, 6-8pm
Southside Commons, 3518 S Edmunds St

gro.ecnaillasoe|norrefk#norreF ylleK


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free class visits at Arts In Motion

Jan 15 through Jan 20, Arts In Motion will be having class "sit ins". Similar to our Arts Fair in the fall, this event invites those of you who are interested in playing a new instrument or joining an art class, but haven't made the final call yet. Swing by next week and see if any of our classes perk up your curiosity.

gro.loohcsmia|r.imoan#neduR imoaN


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now in your neighborhood -- Rainier Beach Family Center

This open house is an opportunity to see what we are adding to this already great neighborhood.

Rainier Beach Family Center
Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 5-7pm
4730 32nd Ave S (On Zion Preparatory Academy's Campus)

gro.teertscitnalta|rayno#nostreboR aynO


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Sera Cahoone at Columbia City Theater

We've got a special night with one of Seattle's most stunning voices this Friday, with Sera Cahoone scheduled to play a special acoustic set with her little sister. On Saturday, Columbia City Theater is going to turn into a gigantic local pop dance-a-thon, so be sure to bring your dancing shoes. But don't party too hard because we'll be opening early on Sunday for the big games on the big screens.

Here's what's happening this week:



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study circle on Leon Trotsky's book Permanent Revolution

Investigate the forces behind global rebellion today. In this classic book, Trotsky explains the necessity for workers' power and internationalism in the fight for a just world. A co-leader with Lenin in the Russian Revolution, Trotsky later spearheaded the fight against Stalinist brutality and betrayals.

Sundays, beginning January 30, Noon – 2pm (ongoing)

Admission is free. Coffee and snacks available for a small donation. Come to any or all sessions.

We'll hold this discussion circle at New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave S, just south of S Hudson St.

moc.gnirpsdnim|elttaespsf#elttaeS PSF


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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