Wikli 2012, 01/25
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

25 Jan 2012 22:50

Welcome to Week 176

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


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Check out the house concert and gumbo feed at Bonnie & Bruce's!

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Bike Works warehouse sale

Bike Works 3rd Annual Warehouse Sale is set for Sunday, January 29 from noon to 4pm, at our warehouse at 3715 South Hudson St.

"As is" bikes, bike frames, and new and used bike parts and accessories will be on sale, marked down between 25% and 50% from our regular prices.

The sale will include discounted used bikes, used bike frames, and new and used bike parts and accessories. This year, the sale will have an added festive atmosphere as there will be pedi-cab service (for a fee) between our shop (at 3709 S Ferdinand) to our warehouse. Additionally, a local tamale vendor will be present.

gro.skrowekib|evets#kulaM evetS


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Celebrate International Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

Back by popular demand, it's time to celebrate International Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day! The southeast Seattle celebration will be at Full Tilt in Columbia City, Saturday, Feb 4, 10:30am-1:00pm
Where: Full Tilt Ice Cream, 5041 Rainier Ave S

Once again there will be Ice Cream contests for adults and kids. Start thinking now for best ice cream headline, limerick, and of course best ice cream flavor (the winning flavor may appear on the Full Tilt menu!).

Free Waffles! Prizes! Games! Deliciousness! Costumes optional.

Bring your favorite topping to share, and money to buy your own scoop.

See historical photos and last year's winning entries

moc.liamg|tsafkaerbrofmaerceci#eettimmoC gnitanidrooC DBFCIEI elttaeS ehT


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Fat Tuesday Dance Party

Hillman City Block Party, Tuesday February 21 6:30 - midnight.

Two live bands at Maxims on Rainier. Happy hour pricing all night at
Orcas Landing Pub and Eyman's pizza - both across the street from Maxim's.

All net proceeds benefit Rainier Valley Food Bank and Windermere Foundation. $20 per ticket at brownpapertickets.com

moc.eremredniw|enyaws#enyaW evetS


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Join the Columbia City flickr photo group

Post a photo to our community gallery. It's on Flickr — free and fun.



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old-timey tunes, a variety show like no other...

…jazz & a sort-of-secret guest

We've got a busy week ahead and no snow to stop us. A few highlights to look forward to:

  • a unique night of comedy, poetry and short film curated by Elissa Ball on Thursday, it's a variety show like you've never seen before.
  • Friday we're happy to have Columbia City's own Lary Barilleau and his Latin Jazz Collective on our big stage. Bring your dancing shoes!
  • On Saturday we're excited to welcome back old-timey duo Cahalen Morrison & Eli West, who are some of the best pickers making music today. These guys have eschewed staying on Ballard Avenue to play to sold out crowds in Europe instead and we're lucky to welcome them back to our stage.
  • Last but not least, we'll be ending our week on a high note Sunday with St. Paul de Vence's CD release show with the talented Gundersen family project Le Wrens and special guests "Bonfire So-So."



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Our book is here -- Rainier Valley Historical Society

Read all about it! Rainier Valley arrives!

We're happy to announce that our book, Rainier Valley, is here and available for viewing or purchase at the offices of the Rainier Valley Historical Society.

Cost per book: $21.99 plus tax. Cash and check accepted. You may also order the book using your PayPal account; shipping charges will be added at check-out. Here's our PayPal order form.

Sheila HSheila H

Arcadia book cover.jpg

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seeking rental housing for creative senior citizen

I'm helping my creative, hardworking architect/watercolor artist father find housing in our neighborhood. Budget is up to about $850/month, for a 1-2 bedroom in-law/accessory dwelling unit or apartment, preferably within a month.

moc.niameno|reniar#snikdA namdlaW reniaR


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weekly meditation

Learn to meditate and practice weekly in the Seward Park / Columbia City neighborhood.

Jeff Kelley, Zen Priest and leader of the Seattle Soto Zen group, and his partner, Bonnie Drew, invite you to their home every Tuesday evening from 6 – 7pm for an hour of sitting and walking meditation. The meditation offered is not specific to any one tradition. Everyone is welcome regardless of experience level or spiritual path. Instruction will be provided for those who want it. There is no charge. For directions and details contact Jeff at ten.tsacmoc|hcrayellekj#ten.tsacmoc|hcrayellekj.

Eko Jeff KelleyEko Jeff Kelley

meditation garder r2.jpg

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Welcoming Sunday

This Sunday, January 29, Columbia City Church of Hope joins thousands of other congregations from various denominations in celebrating the witness to God's love for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Join us this Sunday (and every Sunday) at 10:30am as we celebrate God's love for all people.

Columbia City Church of Hope
3818 S Angeline St

People of all ages, races, gender identities and sexual orientations, cultures, and classes are welcome. Come as you are!

Darla DeFranceDarla DeFrance


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Columbia Citizens photo pool
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