Wikli 2012, 02/01
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

01 Feb 2012 20:42

Welcome to Week 177

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi


your Wikli-fix: eyes on the street

Does it seem like we're seeing an uptick in local crime? Many Citizens are focused on recent violence in the neighborhood, and they're looking to do something about it. Increased patrols might be a solution. Another is to make sure our streets are well used by the Citizens who live and work here.

All in favor? The eyes have it.


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Celebrate International Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

Back by popular demand, it's time to celebrate International Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day! The southeast Seattle celebration will be at Full Tilt in Columbia City, Saturday, Feb 4, 10:30am-1:00pm
Where: Full Tilt Ice Cream, 5041 Rainier Ave S

Once again there will be Ice Cream contests for adults and kids. Start thinking now for best ice cream headline, limerick, and of course best ice cream flavor (the winning flavor may appear on the Full Tilt menu!).

Free Waffles! Prizes! Games! Deliciousness! Costumes optional.

Bring your favorite topping to share, and money to buy your own scoop.

See historical photos and last year's winning entries

moc.liamg|tsafkaerbrofmaerceci#eettimmoC gnitanidrooC DBFCIEI elttaeS ehT


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freaky & beautiful cabaret and more

It's your chance this Wednesday to sing on our main stage: we're moving karaoke from The Bourbon to the back room, under the bright lights. Singing starts at 8pm and it's free.

Thursday, Saturday and Sunday it's your chance to discover a favorite new band. Thursday we've got a trio of talented young indie rock bands, Saturday we've got the "anti-folk" of The Foghorns and the smokey sounds of James Apollo, and on Sunday we've got Beatles-inspired pop from Kathryn Mostow. Friday, call a baby sitter and enjoy one of two special shows with Reckless Revue an evening dedicated to "beautiful freaks" in a show that promises to "amaze and terrify."



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group uke classes with Kathleen Tracy

Bring a little island vibe into these cold damp days. Learn to play the ukulele. Come learn the fundamental skills to get you playing this versatile, portable, and fun instrument. A new group uke session begins Feb 7. Cost is $60 per 4-week session.

Bring your ukulele tuned G-C-E-A.
Space is limited — to register email Kathleen

Kathleen TracyKathleen Tracy


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neighborhood public safety meeting

Please join the Lakewood Seward Park Community Association and the Southeast Seattle Crime Prevention Council on Monday February 6 at 7pm at the LSPCClubhouse on 50th and Angeline.

While we called the meeting in response to three recent violent events in the otherwise quiet business community of Lakewood Seward Park, it's open to all concerned about the increase of crime throughout the Seattle's south end.

moc.liamg|anpswl#neirB'O einnaeJ


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Saturday morning training walks

Sound Steps, a Parks and Recreation walking program for adults age 50+, is starting its fifth annual training program to prepare for a 5K, 10K or Half Marathon walk in 2012. Join us at 9 a.m. every Saturday morning at Jefferson Community Center for free group training walks led by volunteers.

Starts Saturday February 4 and continues through June. Mileage increases from 1 mile to 11 miles over the course of the training.

vog.elttaes|spets.dnuos#rekceB iraM


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volunteer exercise instructor

Exercise instructor to teach women's aerobic or yoga classes

Neighborhood House Rainier Vista Center near Columbia City is looking for a volunteer to run an informal exercise class. Aerobic or yoga classes, etc. Flexible schedule and time is ok. Once a week class preferred.

gro.awhn|fetaK#remraF etaK


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We need a BeatWalk manager

The Columbia City Business Association seeks a manager for its signature BeatWalk music series.

As part of BeatWalk, neighborhood businesses host music groups from 7 – 10pm on the first Friday of the month from May until September. The BeatWalk Manager is responsible for marketing/promotion, sponsorship solicitation, coordination between venues and musicians, night-of coordination, attendance and financial record keeping and reporting.



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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
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