Wikli 2012, 12/05
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

05 Dec 2012 12:34

Welcome to Week 215

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


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Got just a moment? A split second is all it takes, because we've got just a few choice items to share this week.


Live locally.

The Columbia City Theater has posted some of its upcoming events to the calendar. Check them out.

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free tax prep returns to Columbia City

The Rainier Community Center will host a free tax preparation site again this year through United Way of King County's Free Tax Prep Campaign. Community members will be able to get their taxes done, claim all credits they are eligible for, sign up for additional benefits and services, and enjoy excellent customer service — all with the help of our wonderful volunteers!

If you'd like to join the volunteer team and help hard-working South Seattle families keep more of what they earn, United Way is looking for volunteers to commit to a weekly shift from January 15 – April 15 to help with tax preparation, interpretation, and public benefits access.

gro.ckwu|yelkcubk#yelkcuB enirehtaK


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Link to Lake Trail walk

Link to Lake Trail Walk
Tuesday December 18, 11:30am – 1pm. free Link to Lake Trail, SE Seattle

Friends of Link to Lake have developed a walking route from the Columbia City Light Rail Station to Lake Washington. Join us for a walk along the "Link to Lake" Trail. 3 miles round trip, flat, accessible. We'll be picking up trash along the way, to help keep the route attractive to walkers. Enjoy using the traffic crossing flags we installed in October! Meet at 11:30 a.m. at the east side of MLK Jr Way S at S Edmunds St. RSVP by Monday, 12/17 to Mari Becker, vog.elttaes|rekceb.iram#vog.elttaes|rekceb.iram.

vog.elttaes|rekceb.iram#rekceB iraM


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Tis the season...

for gift giving and holiday decorating! Stash Quilt Shop has a wide variety of gifts for every budget. Surprise your crafty loved one with a new book or some beautiful yarn.

Also, if you're wanting to deck your halls with a touch of handmade flair, we have some fast and easy craft ideas to pass along. From the 10 Minute Table Runner to quilted stockings, we have a project for you.

moc.pohstliuqhsats|einahpets#redinS einahpetS


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
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