Wikli 2013, 01/02
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

02 Jan 2013 22:18

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Our Friendly Neighborhood Librarians invite you to experience the awesomeness that is uninterrupted weeklong library service at the Columbia Branch. Join Seattle's chief librarian, the mayor and other dignitaries as they launch the latest lift for libravores.


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new open hours at the Columbia Library

Join us for a Sundays are Special celebration. 15 branches of the Seattle Public Library have new Sunday hours and we're celebrating at each location with the Check-Out Challenge, refreshments and a craft activity. The kick-off celebration will be held at the Columbia Branch on Sunday, January 6 and will feature Mayor Mike McGinn, Councilmember Richard Conlin and City Librarian Marcellus Turner.

The celebration will feature a children's craft activity, refreshments and an opportunity to participate in the Check-Out Sundays Challenge.

gro.lps|il.naud#iL nauD


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Rate your space at a neighborhood walking audit

Actively engage in making your community safer and more walkable by participating in a Feet First walking audit. Help us collect a diverse range of voices to give feedback on how you feel about walking around your neighborhood, and what you would like to see change for the better.

These walking audits will identify safety hazards, maintenance issues, and other deficiencies in the pedestrian environment. For example, a wheelchair user might use the app to identify a broken sidewalk that poses a barrier to them, or a parent might show a hazardous crossing of a busy street their kids must use to get to school.

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WalkScore App Banner2.jpg

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ukulele group classes

Let the cold rain fall, it's strummin' time! Come learn the fundamental skills to get you playing this versatile, portable, and fun instrument. Group lessons are a convivial and affordable way to get into playing the uke. Join your friends and neighbors and beat the chill with a little island vibe.

ten.ysaekaeps|ycartneelhtak#ycarT neelhtaK


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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