Wikli 2013, 05/15
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Neighbor News

16 May 2013 02:55

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Columbia Citizens' WikLi


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Columbia City's ArtWalks are back: join the revelry late into the night.


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award winning play at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center

Brownbox Theatre proudly presents Obie award winning Zooman and the Sign by Charles Fuller, beginning May 16, 2013 and running through June 6, at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center, 3515 S Alaska St. Produced and directed by Tyrone Brown.

Zooman is a black teen in Philadelphia who senselessly terrorizes his community without regard to race. His most recent crime is the killing of a 12 year-old black girl on a street filled with witnesses all of whom are afraid to talk. The dead girl's bereaved father posts a sign accusing the entire community of cowardice in the face of the ever escalating violence.

moc.liamg|emroledhcir#emroleD hciR


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Become a Technology Center Volunteer!

Interested in helping others gain access to computers and technology? Want to bridge the "digital divide"? Interested in different cultures, languages, and diverse groups of people?

Come share your knowledge and expertise at the Neighborhood House Technology Centers!

These are our current listings: http://www.nhwa.org/makeadifference/volunteer.php

If you have any questions about volunteering at the Rainier Vista or High Point Tech Centers, please email gro.awhn|dnosam#gro.awhn|dnosam. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

gro.awhn|dnosam#eefruD nosaM


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canoe landing ceremony and work party

Join the Friends of Martha Washington Park as we welcome the Willapa Spirit Intertribal Canoe. After the landing ceremony, we'll continue our work to protect and restore the park's historic Garry Oaks.

Work Party: Sunday, May 19, 2013, 10am - 2pm
Ceremonial Canoe Landing: Between 10am -12pm

Where: Martha Washington Park, 6600 57th Ave. S. Meet at the beach (SE end of the park)



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Columbia City ArtWalk starts May 16th

Bohemian Backstreets is back! The Columbia City ArtWalk provides an avenue for the greater Southeast Seattle community to experience multi-disciplinary art.

The Columbia City ArtWalk, Bohemian Backstreets happens every third Thursday from May through September. The event goes from 6-9pm.

May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19

Brand new this year, is our Art After Dark event, which happens directly afterwards at Columbia City's Ark Lodge Cinemas from 9pm-midnight.

gro.etaercstraytinummoc|klawtra#retnuH neB


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community garden at Church of Hope

Interested in trying out a little gardening with some neighbors this spring? We have a few small plots that we've dug up behind the church, and we welcome others to join us. If you'd like to be part of this community of gardening, please contact the church at 722-5651 or gro.epohyticaibmuloc|alrad#gro.epohyticaibmuloc|alrad.

Columbia City Church of Hope
3818 South Angeline Street

Darla DeFranceDarla DeFrance


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ukulele group classes

Summer's on the way, it's time to get your uke on. A new four-week group uke session starts up Tuesday May 14. Bring a friend or two to learn with and you'll create your own strumming group to while away those warm lazy summer days with. Group lessons are a fun, affordable way to get strumming!

Kathleen TracyKathleen Tracy


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Latest images

Columbia Citizens photo pool
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