Wikli 2013, 05/29
Wikli click Columbia City's
Neighbor News

29 May 2013 22:27

Welcome to Week 237

of the

Columbia Citizens' WikLi


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It's time. This one's our next-to-last Wikli.

There's a longer post to write — about all the amazing things Columbia Citizens have contributed here, about how much fun it's been, and about some of the best online alternatives out there for neighborhood sharing. More about that soon. In the meantime, check out this week's wiki-offerings.


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blessing of the bicycles

Saturday, June 8, 10am at Seward Park (meet at the bike rack by the pottery studio)

The best season for biking is here, and what better way to kick it off than with a blessing of your bicycle! All ages and faiths welcome for this simple service of blessing, including a holy anointing of the bikes with chain lube, prayers for safety, and a ride around Seward Park. The more adventurous among us may wish to continue along Lake Washington Blvd.

Brought to you by Columbia City Church of Hope.

Darla DeFranceDarla DeFrance


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call to artists: Art Walk Rainier Beach

Art Walk Rainier Beach is a combination of a merchant association-style art walk as found in various neighborhoods in Seattle, and a small outdoor community art fair. It is intended to create a constructive and safe image for the district, build positive awareness of Rainier Beach's character and diversity, and bring the businesses, residents and visitors together to discover neighborhood treasures.

gro.elttaesdees|samohtp#samohT ecirtaP


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new Hillman City neighborhood center

Valley & Mountain and Community Arts Create invite everyone to our inaugural celebration and open house party as we open a neighborhood center on the NW corner of Orcas & Rainier, Sunday June 2nd.

CAC and V&M invite all our participants, friends, allies, and neighbors to this monumental occasion. We envision the building becoming a "community incubator" that nurtures community, builds local capacity for positive change, and enhances the vibrancy of our neighborhood. It will not only house V&M and CAC, but provide co-working and event space for small non-profits, and a free open space for neighbors to mingle, relax, and work during the day.

Inaugural Valley & Mountain Celebration @ 4pm
opening party @ 5:30pm
5619 Rainier Ave S

gro.niatnuomdnayellav|nhoj#ereimleH nhoJ


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Columbia City in the blogossiphere

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Columbia Citizens' discussion

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Columbia Citizens photo pool
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